Papyrus’s BELIEF is an innovative twist on the famed Disbelief animation by FlamesAtGames, this time focusing on The Great Papyrus as he confronts… Frank? Venture through this modern interpretation where you face off against a blend of familiar and new adversaries. What choices will you make? The answers await when Papyrus’s BELIEF officially releases.


Characteristic Detail
Views 230.6k
Last Update Development Phase
File Size 20mb (demo)
Development Stage Devlog
Engine/Language Godot

How to Download Papyrus’s BELIEF

Papyrus’s BELIEF is not yet available for download. Keep an eye on this page for the latest updates and know when the game is released!

Explore the World of Papyrus’s BELIEF

In Papyrus’s BELIEF, players will navigate a universe where choices are crucial and morality is questioned. This Undertale fan game expands on the character dynamics and plot, providing a deeper, darker twist to the tale.

Character Development and Plot Intricacies

At the heart of Papyrus’s BELIEF lies a complex character development intertwined with a rich narrative. Players will encounter an array of characters, both old and new, each bringing their unique storylines and challenges.

Papyrus’s BELIEF promises to be a captivating addition to the Undertale universe. With its unique take on classic characters and inventive plot twists, it holds the potential to offer an unforgettable experience. Stay tuned, stay determined, and prepare to delve into a story of belief and betrayal.