Overtale emerges as a visionary expansion of the Undertale universe, developed with love and dedication by a vibrant team led by Adam Chapman. Set 15 years after the original saga, this narrative-rich journey reintroduces Asriel Dreemurr, who faces new trials and mysteries on the surface world. With an innovative 3D cel-shaded aesthetic and an intricate plot, Overtale promises to reignite the charm and challenge of its predecessor.
Characteristic | Detail |
Views | 822.2k |
Last Update | Complete |
File Size | 62mb |
Development Stage | Complete |
Engine/Language | Unity |
How to Download Overtale
To download Overtale, simply press the download button above. This will allow you to start your adventure into this expanded universe.
Explore the New World of Overtale
Overtale offers a rich tapestry of environments ranging from desertscapes to arctic tundras. As Asriel, joined by new friends Lucas, Tony, and Sierra, players will uncover the roots of monster aggression and strive to maintain peace between humans and monsters.
Dynamic Gameplay and Fresh Mechanics
Overtale introduces a Four-Man Bullet Board battle system that revitalizes the beloved FIGHT/ACT/SPARE mechanics of Undertale with exciting new twists. Players can influence the story and the world around them through their choices, truly embodying the spirit of Undertale鈥檚 consequential gameplay.
Overtale stands as a tribute and a continuation of the Undertale legacy, offering both newcomers and veterans a chance to experience a new narrative with familiar undertones. Asriel’s journey is about understanding and shaping the future, and every player’s actions will determine the fate of this vibrant world. Prepare to explore, decide, and possibly even save a universe teeming with both challenges and wonders.